President’s Message
Hello everyone , welcome to the Manitoba trapshooting season. The board and club members have made an excellent line up of competitions set for this trapshooting season. As an organization, we hope to see one and all on the trap fields this year , whether your a new shooter trying it for the first time, here for practice or to fu ll out compete in one , some or all of our competitions.
Once again I must say a big thank you thank you to all businesses and people who support our program each year so we all can enjoy having it. The book ad sponsors are growing each year and we could not be more excited to see the support grow. I really appreciate each and every one of you and without a doubt would not be the same without you.
I invite everyone to come out and enjoy the wonderful world of trapshooting, a game that gets in your blood and challenges you in many ways.
Come on out to watch, ask questions, learn , try , challenge yourself to something new. Always feel free to check out our website Manitoba Trapshooting Association to see scores , pics , rules and everything in between.
Well everyone, lets get those shotguns out, polished up and get out there and break some clays. Hope to see you all out there enjoying this great sport and the people that come with it. Wish everyone the best of luck, best of health and the best year .Go get em !!
Good luck , “let er rip” Jason Sparwood
Lady Fee Requirement Correction
In the current 2017 Shooting Program for the MB Trapshooting Association, it states on page 17, item #1: Lady I and Lady II Not participating in any purse or options or playing any money may shoot for 50% of the cost per 100 targets in any event. Membership in the A.T.A. is a requirement and is the shooter’s responsibility.