Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board2021-09-14T11:21:09-05:00

Lady Fee Requirement Correction

In the current 2017 Shooting Program for the MB Trapshooting Association, it states on page 17, item #1: Lady I and Lady II Not participating in any purse or options or playing any money may shoot for 50% of the cost per 100 targets in any event. Membership in the A.T.A. is a requirement and is the shooter’s responsibility. CORRECTION: Lady I and Lady II Not participating in any purse or options or playing any money shall shoot for 50% entry fee in the 16-yard singles registered event only. Membership in the A.T.A. is a requirement and is the shooter’s responsibility. Despite our best efforts this inconsistency was missed during proofreading prior to printing. On behalf of the MTA we apologize for any inconvenience.

September 13th, 2017|
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